1034co Website

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You still didn't finish the index page?
spriteclad 9 years ago

just finished it

Your website's intro is in the style of fauux. Were you inspired by him/her?
1 like
thundy 9 years ago

I ripped it from him actually, m8. He's my waifu

Kan du skandinaviska skriv inte på engelska!! : PP Yeah, I also heard that most of the basic HTML I use is phased out or going to be phased out. But so long as it works for now, who cares? Nostalgia is nicer, I think, whether viewing or creating. If or when it breaks, it can be fixed if the owner still cares at that time. Sending a feeling like "Why are you doing this? That's dumb." can make the webmaster feel bad.
1034co 9 years ago

I'm sorry I can't understand you. I speak English only and I used Google Translate to translate your sentence. When I used Google Translate to translate your sentence at me, the sentence didn't make sense; it was too broken. Can you please provide an English translation, please?

Kewl site. What's that song you play in the background?
nagato 9 years ago

Hey thanks lol, it's just my personal list of anime I've watched. The music that plays is the background music from episode three of the Haruhi anime, when Nagato is talking about Haruhi, etc. (It plays right after the intro theme!)

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedFeb 7, 2015
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