Baja Blasphemy ♥

514 updates
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I need to make more time for neocities. I miss it.
your site looks amazing!
1 like
shiroganes 2 years ago

thank you! ^^

1 like
New blog post! Nothing like an identity crisis to get you motivated to play with your site. Also for real if you have any podcast suggestions hit me up. Been wanting to find some new stuff to listen to.
1 like
Your site is beautiful! Very sweet aura about it. I'll add your button to my page when I get the chance.
arlita 2 years ago

you're so nicee thank you!!

love your site. there is just so much love put in to it. idk sometimes you come across a site where someone REALLY put their heart into it and I get that vibe from your site.
bajablasphemy 2 years ago

oh and I grabbed your button. will add when I can!

the64thsanctum 2 years ago

thank you so much!! I have been working hard on it so that really means a lot to me. It's filled with my hopes and dreams of learning enough to eventually work for myself and not "the man" lol

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 15, 2022
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