Bastila Shan

1,524 updates
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Last week I made a guide about cleaning nvidia drivers off crap. On sunday my only Nvidia card broke because it was around 5 to 6 years old. Pretty ironic. Now I gotta wait until prices drop because crypto bullshit.
likho 3 years ago

IMO it was starting to be late to mine crypto with GPUs. I'm surprised even now people try to do it.

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It also means that no updates will be shown here because neocities doesn't parse the xml files.
thoughts-about-stuff 3 years ago

That is an unfortunate consequence.

I found out that browsers can recieve xhtml as text/xml. So I followed my own advice and moved everything except index.html to xhtml by putting it in .xml files. ".xhtml" is sadly blocked by neocities.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedFeb 28, 2020
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html german videogames politics education