Harper's (...)

2,450 updates
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i feel like im rotting to death
im 17 now!! :3
pearliasystem 3 months ago

Happy birthday!!!

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i wish there was a way to open source my site on here :/ I'm banned on github (cuz of penisworld) and i dont wanna make a new one out of principle. also bitbucket is for losers. oh well
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yeagh 3 months ago

github is so uncultured. they dont even allow penis world smh

neogeist 3 months ago

There's a lot of GitHub alternatives out there (i.e: Gitlab, SourceForge), including ones that you can self-host. They work similarly or pretty much the same as GitHub. I've never tried any of these services, but you could try those! If you self-host you wouldn't have to really worry about censorship since you'd be running it yourself.

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cupofdirtfordinner 3 months ago

@neogeist Github felt nice cuz everything was all in one place; editing my site (locally or with/ web UI) meant the same for people downloading my repo. The reason I don't use an alternative is I already grew attatched to the community here, and chasing the QoL means giving that up :3 I'd probably self host if I had a static IP, though - I miss Sublime Text and Caret ;w;

DAAAAAMN ur shit looks CLEAN as HELL!!!! sick!!!! also W p5js user!!!
graybox 3 months ago

thank you so much!!!!! the effects on your site are very very neat!!!!!!

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i genuinely adore how different all your page layouts are, they all look so sick n cool
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t-hates-you 3 months ago

TY!!! I try my best to make every single one different!

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CreatedDec 30, 2021
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