Academic Literacy Development Institute

1,543 updates
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Working on an entire revamp of the site (again). Will be mostly JavaScript, no extra webpages and no loading. Will be lightweight and provide all content seamlessly. Going to be a task, but once it's done it will be 10x better.
jeremyredhead 7 years ago

But will it degrade gracefully? (still work w/o js)

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facedesk 7 years ago

The idea is that it will, yeah. It'd be a shame if it didn't. I want to keep it that way, so we'll see how it goes.

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Working on adding a price tag on all albums listed in the experimental page grid. Will try to make it look good, and that way if people want to buy it they will know before visiting the album page.
Still updating. New logo on the front page, and new animations - all elements fade in on initial page visit. Logo on the homepage starts spinning after one second. Made sure it was responsive to the page. Still have more to come!
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Website Stats

Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedMar 5, 2016
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music programming socialmedia entertainment media