
1,157 updates
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evil forces convincing me to watch shoujo romance anime
wanting to watch a show but lowkey im scared of it because i cant tell if the posts ppl are making Abt it are satire or not
faoggot 2 months ago

for context its target audience is like... 4chan neets ... i have a job i go to my school will this make me insufferable

faoggot 2 months ago

this is how i got into ranfren though. I saw it once thought "this is terrible and sucks, i will never read it" and then it hounded me and broke my spirit mentally and i was forced to concede

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laikachannel 2 months ago

do inform us on the name of said show

palmistshouse 2 months ago

^ This because I am nosey and curious

faoggot 2 months ago

drew a nice new picture

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the three stigmata of jerry
might cap out at 16 pages. I was hoping to at least get 20 but I think forcing more pages would be excessive
11pgs done, but I think i'm gonna rework the second half. it could be better
faoggot 2 months ago

added some helpful links, including porting kit which I personally use, half life ISO(and torrent I think?), etc.

faoggot 2 months ago

replaced jerry's bg music with silver snail(pixies)

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I bet three people could come up with about three hundred dollars each, monthly. I know this is feasible because over the summertime I only worked about eight or ten hours a week, and my biweekly check was somewhere around 250. So, if I had two friends, or even dubiously trustworthy strangers, maybe we could rent out a little hovel. It'd have to be three of us, to minimize. I could sleep on the floor, or in a closet.
faoggot 2 months ago

okay, maybe let's think bigger. maybe we could get our hands on an a one-bedroom conapt and we could all just share the bedroom. I could bunk with a stranger, i'm not picky. I guess that would mean someone would get their own bed, though. To make things fair, that bed would have to be extra small, and extra uncomfortable.

faoggot 2 months ago

the whole goal of this model is to create a situation that allows each person to work as infrequently as possible. if we really needed "necessities", or "food", I guess we could all take turns shoplifiting at Wal-Mart.

let no one say my paneling is lazy🙏this was agonizing

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CreatedNov 13, 2024
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