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music.cube is now online! This is to simulate the old classic music videos that you would see on something like MTV. But this is actual music videos, no shows or anything just music videos.
Here's a list of stuff that will be downloaded, encoded and added to the timeline soon: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood / Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos / G.I Joe (Plus PSA Parody) / Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law / Dragon Ball Z
nsv streaming desktop has been upgrade to ubuntu. Now with ubuntu we can now install and try out differnet shit.
IRC Server has been upgraded with more security, we just got hit by this shit group who thinks it's really cool to spam many irc servers and advertise their irc server. So now if you want voice (+v) you must be registered to the irc server, this is a temp fix but people are not allowed to private message anyone and also a ddos protection. I'm off to bed, I spent too much time on this hotfix and I need sleep badly.

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Last updated 8 hours ago
CreatedMay 24, 2023
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rtmp shows anime classic stream