228 updates
0 tips
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i now have a blog post where i talk about automatic memory management!
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just updated my blog!
lmbdfn 5 years ago

cool style ^^

1 like
snowtastic 5 years ago

Where did your blog go? :(

fw 5 years ago

it will be back when i get around to rewriting it!

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lmbdfn 5 years ago

Woa nice

1 like
Sounds like i can't follow you from pleroma I'm investigating the issue but it looks like it can't be fixed.
fw 5 years ago

strange, i can't follow you either. federation is bugged out on your server right?

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lmbdfn 5 years ago

Yes it is will get around it asap

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lmbdfn 5 years ago

snowtastic is helping me right now

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fw 5 years ago

i can see you've followed me! thanks! but i can't see anything in your profile

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lmbdfn 5 years ago

I removed the account I am in the process

What is your fediverse username ?
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I tried mastodon a while ago so i’ll think about it. By the way do you have a button that I could add to my button panel? Preferably 88x31
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fw 5 years ago

Thank you very very much! I don't really have a specific button or even branding, but you could ask toffy's for my button

fw 5 years ago

Hope to see you on the fediverse some day!

1 like
toffee 5 years ago

I have a mastodon account too and would love to see you! I've made a button for fw on my page:

lmbdfn 5 years ago

Ok thanks toffy / @fw what server would you recommend ? (I could setup one myself)

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedApr 7, 2018
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personal programming