There's no limit to how big a JSON file can be. JSON databases can become difficult to manage/query efficiently on deeply nested structures, but with a good, simple structure JSON can be very efficient and perfect for database applications.
The entirety of the Chattable database is a 10mb JSON file, hundreds of chats, and hundreds of thousands of messages. Not to mention account & chat data. If you can keep the structure simple, it will work for any project.
Ok, that is actually cool. Awesome to learn something like this because it might turn out to be helpful later. Thanks for the explanation!
I love JSON over here. It's the best. Cool tidbit: the entirety of the Chattable database is one huge JSON object.
Shout out Lilithdev because I'm about to do something similar to what she's done AGAIN
Yet another large update. This one breaks the phone again so make sure you hard refresh everything before going in!
near invisible fixes.