hi maybe - Jacoder23

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jacoder23 4 years ago - I tried Firefox and now I'm even more confused, if any smart people understand why the initial connection is so slow then pls help

joppiesaus 4 years ago

looks like the DNS lookup took a while

jacoder23 4 years ago

Today, I am making a desperate attempt to catch up with modern technology to make my website run faster.

jacoder23 4 years ago

Never before have I heard the word "Async" as many times today, excluding my stint as a plumber.

jacoder23 4 years ago

I think that the Time To First Byte (TTFB) is making up about half of the slowdown? Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do on the server-side so I'll have to settle for optimizing the heck out of the other 50%.

jacoder23 4 years ago

I know it says multiply your Bitcoins right there, but since we're in an economic crisis I'd recommend you don't follow that advice.

jacoder23 4 years ago

For the new pages, I've tried asynchronously loading the scripts that add style to the webpage to speed up load times.

jacoder23 4 years ago

Load times should down from over 10 seconds down to only 1 for the heavy pages.

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It might take a good 30 seconds to load at first for some; that's because of the fonts being loaded. After that, it should load smooth as butter.
It seems the preview image for the new website got messed up, but I'll fix that tomorrow. I just wanted to say to anyone who is apparently still watching a website that I accidentally broke a several months ago: Hey, I'm back. Along with all the old versions of the website that I've managed to compile in to the Archives, along with some new stuff.
jacoder23 4 years ago

Well, it seems my long overdue update is being clogged up by Neocities' uploader. I'll be back in a minute after I set up WebDAV.

Website is currently down. Going to switch from Siteground to Neocities Supporter for hosting with a domain very soon.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedNov 19, 2015
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