
432 updates
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[2022.09.18] +10000 views to the website. Nice! ¶ Just in time for a big update, since several changes and upgrades were made:
k3qx 2 years ago

• Seventh entry of the log was published. • A new section was added: "Others", where mazes not related to k3Q× are compiled. • An old section was deleted: "Support" is part of the index page from now on, where a video spotlight was added too.

k3qx 2 years ago

• Some minor mistakes found in the mazes were fixed. • Every maze in the site got a quality upgrade, so it looks better while still loading fast, but also, every maze is now clickable to access a high resolution version of it. • Among other small changes here and there… • (No new layer for k3Q× though…)

k3qx 2 years ago

Now, back to the hiatus!

asterion 2 years ago

2022-09-19. Congratulations on your milestone!

[2022.04.10] Sixth entry of the log was published, layer 122 has been finished and uploaded. +5000 views to the website, cool!
asterion 2 years ago

Congrats on the milestone, k3qx!

[2022.02.10] Fifth entry of the log was published, layer 121 has been finished and uploaded, and small adjustments all over the place were implemented. The image files for all the mazes were replaced with new ones, a bit compressed to allow the site to load faster.
[2022.01.20] Fourth entry of the log was published, layers 121-128 had their first draft completed, and small adjustments all over the place were implemented, most importantly, a Patreon page has been set up for monthly subscriptions, with tiers, rewards, and all that stuff.
[2021.12.17] Third entry of the log was published, layer 120 was finished, and small adjustments in the index page were implemented.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedNov 30, 2021
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