the website of all time

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epic website dude!
your site....IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont feel like updating my site from my phone so ill just summarize: canada is awesome i may even not return to the US of A
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My button in the 'sites u love zone'.... im so flattered nfvjnfl;k .,.
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skidzone 2 years ago

ALSo u seem so cool but ur quiz results are the reddest flags ive ever seen. Sorry. but im also saying this as if my own classpect n shit doenst leave me wide open to attck too sigh

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kielljoy 2 years ago

(imagine im replying to the other comment neocities wont let me) ill give u some more red flags my favorite movie is pulp fiction and i had an anarchocapitalist phase

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kielljoy 2 years ago

OH NEVERMIND IT LET ME REPLY TO IT welp anyways i think ur super cool i showed ur site to my buddies and they agree that ur rad

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skidzone 2 years ago

Lol I can forgive pulp fiction but ancapism? unironically??? jeeeeze lmafo hope ur better now lolol (also wghgh ty Is this microcelebrityhood? im being talk d about.. crayzy shit man.. tell ur friends there rad too)

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kielljoy 2 years ago

i momentarily (for 2 years) forgot that corporations were a thing and i was imagining a sea of one man unregulated businesses. when what i truly wanted was a commune with a rich trading scene

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skidzone 2 years ago

Ok i'm dumb ad rocks and can barely parse the meaning of this atm but whatever ur describing here sounds like how they get pppl into the stock market. tbh

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kielljoy 2 years ago

aw geez i think u have a point oh no..... i definitely DONT have a stock market portfolio nahh nope doesnt exist no sirreee

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CreatedOct 8, 2019
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