688 updates
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Mini update: added microblog and changed guestbook to atabook. In the near future I will make custom graphics for the guestbook, just not today. "( - ⌓ - )
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Finally done with my latest (yume!) drawing... from tomorrow I'll start working hard on the site yet again! I wonder if I should change the layout too or leave it as is so I don't waste time 😂 I'll see what my inspiration tells me
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So, what's the situation? Is the boss here an AI lover, or should I move to neko?
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seashrine 1 month ago

for the a! stuff I'd say just keep it on a mirror if you're concerned, while nekoweb is nice it doesn't have the same functions as here does with people to follow/keep up with activity afaik? the post circulated around was from around a year ago, but he hasn't acted on any of that since. if ever, posted something you can implement to avoid having your site scraped for a! databases!

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I'm testing some stuff, pay me no mind if you see stuff being uploaded weirdly. Also gotta set git.
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I changed pc and monitor, and now the site feels too light to me. Should I change the color scheme or is it my monitor? I'm in despair!
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seashrine 1 month ago

prob just a monitor thing, the colors look pretty alright to me!

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Alright, the wind test has been passed and this race is LIVE. New post up in the blog section.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedApr 11, 2024
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