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who from mh is this can we be friends i miss you all so much ~sf/amantis
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mewheart 2 years ago

wow hi!! my memory is bad i think i was going by Leo on mh & misterduck on dA, your name def sounds familiar! i was friends with mirrymir, aeri, fang & mastersara!

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manty-monster 2 years ago

yea! mir and fang and I were close, aeri hated me tho its been 20 years we're ok now. I found this working version of the chat and BBS, I'm not sure if it will help since neocities doesn't allow CGI but it might

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manty-monster 2 years ago

Ended up finding it (and masahiro f.'s original site) in whole. It requires perl 5004 and some other hoops im not able to jump through. The hyperchat archive is "hchat240.lzh" here*/*

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mewheart 2 years ago

holy shit its so cool you found this! thank you. yeah, unfortunately neocities doesn't allow cgi so i've thought about seeking a diff host for adding a bbs and chat. but yeah perl hmm i know nothing about it lmao. either way its cool just to see these sites and have access to the original chat archive!

mewheart 2 years ago

also yeah! mirry and fang were always so kind to me even though i'm sure i was annoying as hell! aeri i remember was sometimes kind of intense and scared me a bit but i remember we got along ok. i'm glad you're ok now! we were all pretty young and going thru our own stuff.

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