the misadventures of missy

704 updates
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missymjwrites 11 months ago

Didn't realise my fanlistings didn't *actually* link to said listings. Whoops! Also, this is part of the big update I was doing, but I've been busy due to work and life and BG3. I haven't updated my entire thoughts on Bookbug's March book, but since it's the weekend I'll see what I can fit in.

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thanks for following! that's so cool that you're a games journalist! :O
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missymjwrites 12 months ago

No worries, your site is so cute! Ah, thank you! It's a lot of fun, but can be stressi haha. I'm surprised I even got the position, but I've been there for two years so very happy!

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missymjwrites 1 year ago

Added some thoughts I have so far, also updated the code. Accessibility is going slow, but I am trying to make things accessible <3

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missymjwrites 1 year ago

Just putting in the codes for some webrjngs I applied for. nothing major!

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missymjwrites 1 year ago

Oof, this took a bit but I finally cleaned up my code and fixed up my site. Very happy w/ it. There's still some things I need to do, like my graphics page with all the blinkies/stamps/etc, as well as my sources/credit page and the sitemap. But that'll be after work

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missymjwrites 1 year ago

BOOKBUG -- finally put in the buttons of people's pages! and i've slightly edited the code as well, and fixing up the past reads section too. So this is finally done!

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missymjwrites 1 year ago

WRITING -- just added an article I wrote on IGN's writers/editors forming a union (very pro union here btw) and also my first review Promenade!

because I now work 6hours a day at work, I got up to date with all my podcasts and was just listening to music. But after so much pestering my partner finally got me to listen to The Magnus Archives. It's pretty good, though my partner is probably giddy about this... haha. I should hopefully be updating my site on the weekend, I've got a bunch of updates to it! Hope you'll have a great start to your March!
missymjwrites 1 year ago

March 23rd is my anniversary with my partner. It'll be 9 years, but honestly because of COVID feels like it's been centuries!

Hiya, I have FINALLY made a bookbug page (I was going to make it a few weeks ago but got sidetracked)! I've made the page here -> my button is on my main page (happy to provide it here if ya need it). I'll get to finishing up everything else like adding the members a bit later. <3
bookbug 1 year ago

Thanks for linking your page (Makes it easier for me)! Just added you to the list, Vashti!

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