i hope you don't mind that i've added your fanart-piece from June (TakuToa) to my website. i just found it too good for it to go to waste, so i archived it in an extra page!
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i already saw that big collab picture, and wow, there are so many different artstyles shown!! yours is 1 of the better ones in my opinion. i also like how the Takutoa fanart was right behind Schall (Takuto's "Spirit")! did you also make the one for Ranma and the 2 characters upleft from Sunshine Lovers? no idea who those 2 are, but they sure are cute~.
High honor 🥹 and yes I did! The two characters near the Sunshine Lovers are Sigre (dark hair) and Pisce (fishgirl), they're both from Usaneko! I also drew Navi at the very bottom of the image :)
ik zit een beetje in de problemen... ik wil wel de character png's van AC2 gaan uploaden, maar Rie-chan's sprite (oftewel haar volledige portrait sprite) kan ik niet goed opnieuw maken. als iemand de recreatie wilt maken, laat me dat dan snel weten!
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ook lukt die van Hiroshi niet, en ik heb nog niet Reo & Tourmaline gecheckt. dus eigenlijk mis ik het voor 4 characters. de andere had ik zelf al gefixt of waren al compleet.
No worries! I saw that and I was kinda flattered lol. I will say that the piece was part of a bigger collab though, I'd like for you to see it! https://twitter.com/SleepyDeeDee/status/1812317759835119888
i already saw that big collab picture, and wow, there are so many different artstyles shown!! yours is 1 of the better ones in my opinion. i also like how the Takutoa fanart was right behind Schall (Takuto's "Spirit")! did you also make the one for Ranma and the 2 characters upleft from Sunshine Lovers? no idea who those 2 are, but they sure are cute~.
High honor 🥹 and yes I did! The two characters near the Sunshine Lovers are Sigre (dark hair) and Pisce (fishgirl), they're both from Usaneko! I also drew Navi at the very bottom of the image :)