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alright gang, changed the font again (this time its the ace attorney font) and i think it looks pretty good! plus i think it should look fine when resizing, but just let me know if its still too small!
hey all! i finally added a custom font to the site, but i wanted to hear your feedback. is the font too small? is it too annoying to read? i've been trying to scale it but the font doesn't seem to like going past its default size. what do you think?
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swirl 1 year ago

Personally I think it's a little bit small but it's still readable, i'm not sure if that user friendly however! ~ I've had people complain about the font size on my site too which is bigger! ヾ(゚д゚;)

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CreatedJul 8, 2022
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rhythmheaven personal videogames art blog