the thunder guy or whatever

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do any of you guys know a good way to have flowcharts on my website? i'm looking at embedding a canvas but idk if that's my best way to go /: maybe something with js libraries? idk if i wanna deal with that...
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rakuraikou 9 months ago

i've ended up just doing an iframe embed of a canvas... hopefully that's good enough LOL

rakuraikou 1 year ago

finished cleaning up the site with a little php integration... i'll still be checking neocities quite often though!

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i've been php'ing the fuck out of things because it is so very fun lol. whenever im done with that, i'll be sure to update here! for now, still takes you to the "updated" site (in quotes because um. its not done lol) so no need to change any links out or anything like that
probs gonna move my shit off neocities very soon. i like the little social bits here so i'll still check out sites on a regular basis from my feed .. just wont be updating here so much LMFAO. soz this is vague . ill say more when i do more
horrible sense of dread and insecurity floods my brain when i work on website . its ok though i will survive. .however does anyone have tips on getting over yourself
zelkova 1 year ago

I used to "dump and run" when I posted stuff to the internet. Basically updated a thing, then completely closed it out and didn't check it at all for days (or more). Eventually did this enough times that my brain stopped caring as much. Sometimes just pushing through discomfort for long enough in a way that minimizes it for you is enough to rewire your brain.

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rakuraikou 1 year ago

aourgh… i’ll try. i don’t know why i’m having this issue now tbh (“now” as in… like the past year or so?)… it’s honestly pretty annoying LOLS but i’ll see how i can do a little dumping and running lols hopefully that will help me

rakuraikou 1 year ago

nothin new just cleanup and catchup

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rakuraikou 1 year ago

rly just trying to get back in the swing of things

zelkova 1 year ago

Been curious about your discord for a while; does it have age limits or anything like that?

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rakuraikou 1 year ago

@zelkova nope - for better or for worse, haha.

zelkova 1 year ago

Aw dang, thanks for the info! x_x

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rakuraikou 1 year ago

yeaaah. i’ve had moments where i’ve been like “i kinda wish i made this server 18+ or even 20+” or something like that. but oh well. if you ever wanna chat or have a personal server or smth i’d love to say hi!!

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CreatedDec 20, 2022
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