rigel central

735 updates
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hello!! i saw you pop up in my activity and i wanted to say i'm very interested on what you have to share about your band! i wish you luck on your coding journey!
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trash-panda 1 year ago

I am the bass player for my band, Hermit Crab. I have a domain for that site but haven't started a lot on that website. So, I'm going to practice on this personal one. I hope we will have more updates. We have finished recording an album, but we are waiting on the final mix.

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trash-panda 1 year ago

I'm inspired by your journal entries, btw. I want to use this site for something along those lines. I hope to hear more from you! Your page is so cute! :3

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJul 26, 2023
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music videogames whatever art