
1 follower
377 updates
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i love the buttons. if i was in a webring you'd be the first person i'd add <3
it's incredibly simple but we move
when you remember that one quote and it's so fire you make it a page <3
Hello! I noticed that you followed my website. While I appreciate it, it's sort of just a personal project. Would you mind unfollowing it? Thanks!
1 like
spriterjohnson 1 year ago

Thank you! I appreciate you being understanding :)

hi, would it be alright if i linked your website in mine? Yours looks really cool. thanks!
ghostpilled 9 months ago

hi!! i will be reusing this website for a school project, so i wouldn't appreciate if it wasn't linked back, sorry :(

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedOct 22, 2023
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