Realised that I derped on the patches.d part; now it should only apply to articles with the same base name as the patch script
oh btw my upload process for my hartshorned has been drastically improved after i took your advice, ty. i might make a post about how i do it now. :D
Nice! I'm glad this wasn't a waste of time. You're certainly a lot more adept than me with the Makefile wizardry.
this is very helpful ty! i know i'll be referring to this article in the future
@holeinmyheart I'm honestly kind of shocked to hear it. I delayed on this article for a while because I didn't know if it'd be at all useful to anyone else.
Honestly, while this is the opposite of my chaotic and manual way of doing things, I am already beginning to see the wisdom in your approach. It's becoming quite tiresome to remember every single thing that I need to update every time I change something on my website.
I adore how you actually add descriptions in your Links page, unlike most people.
Most people here just randomly drop the links in without any descriptions, as if anyone's going to care to click on a context-less link like "Ted's Website". Absurd and lazy, but that's how it is...
Excellent links page!! I'm very happy that you decided to put one up. Thank you for the glowing review of my website, as well! (:
lookin smexy