Sophia's Site

1,134 updates
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It says "post a message (be nice!)" on other people's profiles, but it only says "post a message" on my own. So I am NOT going to be nice here. Sophia, you are a BIG BABY. That is all.
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0x07 2 years ago

My "funny chick ahead" early warning system is tingling... :))

Hello fellow SubGenius! I like your NeoCities site! My space rock band released an album in celebration of X-Day this month (we were *so sure* this was the year!) that you may enjoy. Free mp3 version for all dues paying SubGenii if you'd like it. See you on the saucers in 2023!
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sophiaswengel 2 years ago

Salutations! Your site is cool too! I'd love to go to X-Day, even if just to observe all the people there. Never been able to, though. I sampled some of your music, and it sounds really good! Keep it up. We need more music like that!

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Website Stats

Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedDec 24, 2021
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