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>alephzero What I refered to is the stereotype.
alephzero 2 weeks ago

Fair enough. It's unfortunate what Reddit etc. have done to the image of atheism.

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>14yo But one thing that hasn't changed is that I used linux and the darknet at that age and I'm still using those lol.
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

Linux + Darknet is always going to be fun to me. Even if I decide one day to stop hacker-larping, I'll never stop using Linux+Darknets

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>14yo Your life hasn't even started yet. Maybe you can't imagine it, but I was a degenerate atheist at that age. And I have started to study math seriously around that age. You might become a totally different person in the future.
alephzero 2 weeks ago

I hope that "degenerate atheist" means "degenerate and atheist" rather than "degenerate due to being atheist". While many atheists use atheism to justify their hedonism and nihilism, this worldview is not inherent to atheism. I am an atheist and have morals and purpose.

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

Possibly so XD. On one hand, I'm basically the same as when I was 5yo just slightly edgier, on the other hand I've seen many cases where people would change majorly between 14 and 21, even if they've basically stayed the same their entire life before then. @alephzero i believe he means "degenerate and atheist".

>hora.c as date: That's very good. I think I'll work on adding additional display formats to hora.c. Sure you can use `cut` and `head` to build your own, but I'd like the main program to do more of the work. Now that I have both, I like to use attic.c and hora.c together as my `date` substitute.
>hora.c Also, try `tcc -run`. I use C standalone source codes including this one as shell scripts.
cidoku 2 weeks ago

Oh, I do use tcc -run all the time. In my own local copies of the scripts I have #!/usr/bin/tcc -run for testing

>hora.c For that, you need `if (planetary_hour + 1 >= 18) --day;` too. MONTHS means ancient Athenian words for months.
>hora.c Not related to the post, but I've changed the source code to output printf("%02d %s %s %02d(%s)\n", day, MONTHS[month-1], SYMBOLS[day_ruler], planetary_hour + 1, SYMBOLS[hour_ruler]); only. Then I use it as a `date` substitute.
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