1,153 updates
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me if making every image on my website link to random youtube videos was illegal
okay that's all im doing for today. tomorrow ill add a changelog and finally finish some of my shrines. they have been half baked for like two weeks now and i keep making new ones instead of finishing them. and the crocodile button is huge and I'm too lazy to fix it but WHATEVER. if you see any of that. no you didnt
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added a section for quiz results on the about me page. debating moving it and changing the format though. oh well at least theyre all there. lunch break !
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I see Law and I follow lol. Love the site!
torao 4 months ago

woah i love your site too, it's so starry and cute

1 like
thinking about adding a quizzes section because I see so many people with them... ill get working on that
fucked up the button container sorry & im too sleepy to fix it so if you see that. ignore it ill take care of it tomorrow

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedApr 26, 2023
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nothing tokusatsu kamenrider personal onepiece