Vinny Flowers' Botanical Garden

1 follower
2,025 updates
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yea, with the latest episode of Roundabout Symphony i did drop the hardest thing ever: my name isn't actually Tim Lennon, i'm actually just a wee little transfem named Willow Comping who uses Tim Lennon as a pen name woopdi doo
Hey, look at that! I released another story that you should totally read unless you have PTSD or familial issues! Go find it at the bottom of my page, or don't!
1 like
Well, I updated the ancient computer I use to Windows 10 and it has become considerably slower. Damn.
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Passed 5,000 views. Maybe 2,000 of them are actual humans. Or maybe they're all robots? Who knows.
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Thank you for your kind words left on my site! <3
vinnyflowers 1 year ago

No problem, Internet user!

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Last updated 12 hours ago
CreatedSep 8, 2023
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