When I Was a Child in Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)

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Monday April 22, 2024. *** NEW WEBPAGE *** This brand new project is entitled, "Zionism & Galiciana." You can type "" or click the VISIT button on the last and new! entry of Chapter 26 of the homepage, "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)."
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Sunday March 24, 2024. New hyperlinked photograph entitled "July 5, 1967" in the Introduction section of the homepage, "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)."
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Sunday February 25, 2024. The soccer lottery ticket that made a pool of eight BAZAN workers almost wealthy is now unfolded on the news item for February 19, 1954, found in Chapter 6, "The Local News for the Year 1954," of the homepage, "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)."
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Saturday January 20, 2024. I corrected a hyperlink to show the photograph of the Carral Monument. It is found in section, "A few words about Eduardo Pondal," belonging to the webpage, "Translation from Galician to English of 11 poems by Eduardo Pondal."
Monday January 15, 2024. I have excised the short paragraph about 1953 from Chapter 6, "The Local News for the Year 1954," and inserted it into the "Introduction" accompanied by a hyperlink to the Youtube "British Movietone" video reviewing 1953.
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Last updated 19 hours ago
CreatedJul 2, 2015
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history spain galicia