1034co Website

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I read your blog post on V-race. I just now released it to Game Jolt.
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1034co 8 years ago

What's Level 5 and 6's songs?

2bit 8 years ago

The songs for level 5 and 6 are the same two songs from the previous levels but they start halfway instead of the begining.

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Clyphe just started a Discord chat for Neocities. Here it is:
Anybody have enough knowledge to help with rendering bitmap fonts on canvas. I want a fixed colour to make the coding simple.
1034co 8 years ago

That was a question.

2bit 8 years ago

I couldn't help you with bitmap fonts. Fonts on websites are so complicated I end up just using pictures of text.

Your website reminds me of fauux's.
suyu 8 years ago

if I had a view on my website every time I heard this I'd be same as fauux

1034co 8 years ago

Yeah, you're like the Neon Genesis Evangelion version of Fauux.

suyu 8 years ago

no nothing like that

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How do you have a custom domain if you aren't a supporter?
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clyphe 8 years ago


clyphe 8 years ago

Nah, I bought the domain on GoDaddy. Geocities let's your link the domain to your site. And even if they didn't, domain sites like GoDaddy allow you to forward to sites, with masking (which changes the clyphe.neocities to clyphe., In your browser)

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Are you okay with me uploading high quality rips of your game?
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1034co 8 years ago

The game should restart at every level instead of every pair of level, because one of them is harder than the other, and if you crash at one of them, you have to do the easier one, and it's annoying and also, the easier one is only by comparison.

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2bit 8 years ago

What kind of rips? Sprite rips? You and everyone else have permission to do almost whatever you want with it besides selling it. :)

2bit 8 years ago

The way I programmed the game made it easier to restart on every other level. Plus I thought it would make it more challenging. I appreciate the constructive critisim and if I make another game, I'll keep your advice in mind.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedFeb 7, 2015
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