1034co Website

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V-Race restarts me at Level 1 every time I die no matter what level I'm in. Also, what are all of my songs that you used in V-Race?
1034co 8 years ago

Oh wait, it just restarts at every pair. It should have a save function, though.

2bit 8 years ago

Have you gotten to Level 3? V-race is supposed to restart at level 1 if you crash in only level 1 or level 2. One of these blog posts lists your songs:

2bit 8 years ago

woops I replied late

2bit 8 years ago

I thought about having a save feature but I though it would make the game too easy. Once you get the hang of the game, you can get through 4 levels in under 2 minutes.

1034co 8 years ago

Well, save function for if you get tired of crashing in the game and quit but want to continue from that point than from the beginning

1034co 8 years ago

I know it's supposed to, but I just don't like that. Imagine passing a really hard level, and crashing in the next level that is way harder, and you have to play the previous level again.

1034co 8 years ago

The blog only lists the songs in the video. I still don't know the songs for levels 5

1034co 8 years ago

*levels 5+

2bit 8 years ago

I guess it's kind of late to change the game. I think you might be right about the saving the game. If I make another game, I'll keep that in mind. Also, the songs on levels 5 and 6 are the same songs that start on level 1 and 3, but the songs starts midway instead from the begining

I just released V-race!
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I really like your website! I like the 3d figures and the format of how your site looks! Good Job!
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1034co 8 years ago

Trying to make a TI-84+ CE style RPG similar to Pokemon.

You should add keyboard controls to Ultra Brick Break. Controlling the sprite using the mouse is a hard enough task by itself and if you accidentally move your mouse outside the window, the sprite won't move until it enters the window again and it doesn't jump to your mouse's position when it comes back into the window.
2bit 8 years ago

I'll look into it. I honestly don't know how I'd add keyboard controls though.

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CreatedFeb 7, 2015
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