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Thanks for the cash, you can have this moose https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Male_Moose.jpg
Crap, the moose couldn't fit inside the screen, and now I have moose in my room and a broken laptop ...help!
Moose Emergency!
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Hey! Content! Good article by the way.
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What is SFC? I plan mentioning all kinds of consoles on this site. Even indi games that have pixel art graphics
SFC = Super Famicom = Super Nintendo
I call it the SNES. IDK, I might have some Super Nintendo stuff, but I own a Genesis and not a SFC.
Intellivision. ;)
You can use an emulator to at least get the best you can without a real SFC.
I will try, even though I've made only one page on this site lol
why does this have 3 likes
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Thanks for the cash, you can have this moose https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Male_Moose.jpg
Crap, the moose couldn't fit inside the screen, and now I have moose in my room and a broken laptop ...help!
Moose Emergency!