
786 updates
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Whenever I update my page, it seems to me that Neocities doesn't apply the changes. Or, if it does, it takes several hours. Did anyone else encounter this problem?
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joppiesaus 7 years ago

I don't have this problem; maybe it's your browser's cache that just loads the local copy instead of getting a new one? Try CTRL + F5. I assume the majority of your audience does not visit your site's pages every hour, so I think you'll be the one with the most problems.

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mandelbrot 7 years ago

My probably most important update. Please find out why.

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Awesome! Simply awesome.
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mandelbrot 7 years ago

Thank you!:)

Coming Soon: A script which plays with evolution. The script will randomly draw circles on a canvas. Circle size, position and color can mutate. The canvas is then compared to a given image. High similarity between image and canvas means high fitness for this sequence of circles. Like in nature, the sequence with high fitness will reproduce with a higher chance. My script is currently in alpha phase.
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mandelbrot 7 years ago

If you want, you can follow the progress under . But right now, not reeeally much is working

mandelbrot 7 years ago

Update: I stopped developing this project with Javascript and p5.js. I switched to p3 for the sake of type safety. I will publish the .exe soon

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Last updated 5 years ago
CreatedApr 15, 2017
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fractal programming math mandelbrot levy