Neo-Obscurantism Unmasked

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

on subliminality - the opposition is often tricked into doing this against themselves

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

Ever heard a dissenter say "I'd like to say that I'm not an antivaxxer, and I take COVID very, very seriously..." or "I'm not saying that I want people to die..." and excessively make other silly qualifications like this? They think they're just preventing themselves from being misinterpreted.

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

but what they're actually doing is severely muddling their own argument, and subliminally normalizing the default narrative.

godcock 3 years ago

@hole, mentally weak, insecure, unconfident, unassertive people get trampled on at the first opportunity. Playing the others' game on their terms is a loss not by merit, but by default. One should either another game (where the others might not even play), or not play at all.

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godcock 3 years ago

Also, one is neither tacitly, nor implicitly tricked. You can use your own definitions and language. That others often have first word sets a playing field in their favor - leading to you mirroring them, attemting to appease subconsciously most often. Regardless it's tiny battle to be fought.

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CreatedMar 19, 2021
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