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just remembered this exists during a drunk rambling. idk of ill honestly have time to work on this site any time soon, i want to eventually. i havent ditched this site altogether, even tho it hasnt been updated since before i started uni. oops!
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lol just remembered this exists (i may start working on it again but i need to stop making promises lolol)
yeahhhh so much for having any time during winter slacking bc juggling watching kamen rider, finishing schoolwork at a decent time, and trying to spend enough time with my parents so they don't accuse me of hating them has proven to make working on this site more difficult than it rlly should be. sorry bout that :(((
just 1 more week til i can plan out what 2 do with this site oop
i cant wait until winter break when i'll actually have time to work on this site hhhhh
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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedDec 20, 2020
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2000s 90s music personal kpop