Animal Crossing Wild World

151 updates
0 tips
I LOVE this site! It’s so hard to find sites dedicated to older AC games. Thank you for this! I look forward to future updates. Also, I suggest adding Animal Crossing Community to the resources section. They’re a great fan site with tons of guides, including for Wild World.
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Small Day One Update has been released. Fixes the bug where the wallpapers where not displaying, fixes grammar in Guides, and other minor behind the scenes changes to boost user experience.
Update 1.1.0 is out and ready to use! With the new Update History feature, you can view the history of the site with ease using the Wayback Machine! Simply click the version number on the bottom of the site, then click on the version you want to visit, and presto! Thanks for all the support over this new update!
The long awaited 1.1.0 update is finally releasing after months of delay! Tonight at 8pm EDT be one of the first to see new additions such as improved guides, a collection of Official Wallpapers, Resources and so much more. You can still view version 1.0.0 on the Wayback Machine
Love this site!!! When’s the next update?!
acwildworld 1 year ago

I'm working on a huge update that will add tons of guides and make it much easier to navigate. Stay tuned!

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Website Stats

Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedJan 26, 2023
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videogames animalcrossing nintendo ds