Entrance to Aesiereum

1,179 updates
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I haven't died neither has this project, page or discord. Life and illness is a thing but I'm still active and updates will keep on popping up. The discord link is working, I had it misconfigured. And I've updated some of the pages to be more animated and feel more alive. I'm working on improving the about/info page with an update to the dvelopment plans, progress and the goals in the future.
I'm planning on how to improve the info page a bit better, thinking of adding an info-index which allows you to go to the page of your choice and then arrows on the bottom corners of the pages to page back and forth.
aesiereum 1 month ago

I fixed the info page, there was just a missing semicolon๐Ÿคก and I got a discord and discord link working in the Contacts page

Cool website design
aesiereum 1 month ago

High praise coming from a site like you thank you very much!

The "???" tab in your webmaster page gave me a good laugh, cool page overall
espimyte 2 months ago

For a sec I got scared that you were talking about my other โ€œ???โ€ page which is more vulnerable lol. I should rename that webmaster tab to the โ€œFunโ€ tab. Anyways, glad you liked it!

such a beautiful website, loved the WASD function cant wait to see more from you!!
aesiereum 2 months ago

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the experience and the gamey feel, I hope not to disappoint in the future

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Hope you make another update
Made the website mobile friendly, to an extent, except for the about/info page the letters are all weird. Added touch/click control for increased site accessibility so doors and links can be triggered with more than just the ghostly character. Campire area for the WIP Discord link. Changed some songs playing.
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Website Stats

Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedDec 16, 2024
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indie videogames liminal adventure eccentric