Aloan´s Website

2,205 updates
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English: Ok after a lot of work I fixed dozens of non working links. If you still see a dead link, please let me know in the "contato" link! - Português: Depois de muito trabalho consertei vários links mortos. Se vc ver algum, me avise por favor no link de contato! grato!
English: Guys you should have told me the download links in many games pages were not working! It might have been M$ changing their download links! Now I am working on all the download links to make sure they work. - Português: Pessoal, vcs poderiam ter me avisado q os links de baixar das páginas de jogos não estavam funcionando! deve ser algo que a M$ fez nos links de baixar. Tô consertando todos os links agora.

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 21, 2015
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pcrepair englishteaching games midi music