Amylase's Anthropomorphic Kingdom

187 updates
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As an American, I wish for peace and safety. It's ok to be upset during these hard times. Stay strong, everyone.
Hallo everyone. Unfortunately I am going through a very hard depression mainly due to college, but also due to the toxicity and current state of the internet and social media, as well as my mom being sick. As much as I would like to work on my website and complete it, I can't risk getting more bad grades. I am very very sorry.
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Hi!!! Are you the person who left that lovely comment in my guestbook? Wanted to say thank you for the kind words and that I mostly make my sparkly text graphics using Pookatoo and GlowTxt!
amylaseswonderland 5 months ago

Yes i was hehe! Thank you for giving me the sites and you are absolutely welcome! Your site is awesome :D

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedDec 7, 2023
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furry art writing science biology