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anybody else like "uurgh me no wanna work on site"
angelsnot 4 years ago

actually though, i might just like totally abandon this website n just leave it be as a lil artifact of me

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angelsnot 4 years ago

like my reason 4 scrapping the site is the concept i had in my mind was very kewl (i wanted to make it seem like it was a ghost inhabited the site or smth) but then i realized the whole backstory behind this ghost isnt really all that well though-out n its not rlly that good i was just kinda adding things as i went, hoping that ppl liked the site cuz they could add their own meaning onto it (

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angelsnot 4 years ago

(like i was depending to much on the audience to interpret the story into something far cooler than i could create) idk though i might write down some ideas for the ghosts backstory and life and maybe get back to the site

angelsnot 4 years ago

however if i do make a comeback the website might like totally different (but still very basic html-y) cuz idk how 2 do stuff good (also im imagining the "ghost" behind this website is no web designer so theyre no good @ html, just an excuse ^_^)

vilespace 4 years ago

yo if ur heading out I'd love to keep in touch

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJun 4, 2020
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