(cont.) i really value.. human feeling wisdom? academic texts, religious texts still are good for study, but something feels much more resonant when it feels like a human speaking on my level rather than an ascended guru or dry scholar!! dont even get me started on how finding writings like this is IMPOSSIBLE through things like search engines, which only show bloated, corporate articles ridden with ads bleugh!!!
(cont. 2) anywho, ill be keeping up to date with yer site and probably taking some of these ideas for my own machinations (with due caution of course). keep up the good work, yer writing is excellent!!! - Deepest thanks, The Bandaged Witch of Fools and Unconscious Magician: NOELLE
I'm glad to hear you found my website enjoyable! Best of luck with your own project and I hope you find the energy to complete it!
ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL NOTE: i realize there is only a single other piece of media which has kept me as enraptured by it as touhou to the degree of its caliber. that of which is umineko when they cry, judging from the things ive heard about the themes it dabbles with (havent finished even episode 1 of the VN, read the whole manga at first), suddenly it makes a LOT of sense why only these two have kept my attention.
I have only watched the Umineko anime a long time ago, but I have a friend who has played all of the VNs and they apparently get very much occult at some point.
id say it leans way way more into spiritual themes than occult, despite the presence of witches and magic. a lot of it revolves around some really interesting themes of belief!! id say its magical in subject matter, but the text itself is more tantamount to scripture... i remember watching some dusty old youtube guy who reviewed mostly classic literature talk about reading umineko and despite him not seeming (CONT.)
(CONT.) very spiritual himself, the amount of reverence he showed speaking of the texts would make ya think otherwise!! from what ive heard the final episode cranks it up by a LOT, thats where i hear folks say it changed their belief system fundamentally. it seems like a very very potent work, one day ill read it through...