280 updates
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yeah okay Huuuuuuge huge things coming. arcoleiris website 2.0 update happening..... Whenever i finish it LOL i finished the main structure and just need to learn a few extra goodies like iframes to try a new journal setup
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💭 considering rebuilding my website's structure from the ground up to both better suit my original vision + be more responsive and mobile friendly..... shouldn't be too hard to transplant everything into a new base if i just start a new folder separate from my current one. Let's see if this happens or not. i also wanna hand draw my logo to better suit my style...
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update so small i didn't put it in the front page log - changed my age on my about page + more info to the commissions page ^_^👍
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i wanna update my layout again...... i want to do a full revamp of my website's layout...... but that would take so much effort........... Oh gourd
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update so small i didn't even put it on the log, just a few wording changes on the about page lol
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einaaar 5 months ago

Your site is so fun-looking I genuinely love it

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Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 27, 2021
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personal artist journal animator