280 updates
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puts a note on the sticky note board for me to come back to later when i have the energy to code: Should update my bio to just remove my identity and pronouns idc how people refer to me online LOL
one day i wanna try making the website proper mobile friendly by figuring out how to get the sidebar to relocate depending on screen size, but that's far out of my ballpark rn lol. I like using status updates to just log what i wanna do so i know to come back to it later
might try and set up the gallery section next perhaps i want to add a little digital sketchbook. where i share sketches that i like
sidebar update coming today i swear to god. I've got it all set up and wanna add a journal to go with
arcoleiris 9 months ago

*hits my head* not showing up on here like it does in vscode Hold on

arcoleiris 9 months ago

nvm a force refresh did it ^_^ update up

I'm still alive i just haven't made any updates in a while due to a very tumultuous time in my personal life + on top of it Chronic illness does not relent. whenever i get around to that stupid sidebar update i'll try posting more, i miss journaling on here LOL
if anyone was curious my next big update planned involves re-working my sidebar (felt a table with colored text links instead of images would be cute) and relocating a few things to other pages.... otherwise i enjoy her in her simplicity. She exists to display my thoughts first and foremost
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Still alive just rationing my energy elsewhere which means site gets neglected Unfortunately. i have a lot cooking video-wise. I'll come back to her when i'm more open
commissions page won't be uploaded until after the 28th due to the upcoming economic strike (the 21st - 28th) but i will be trying to upload it soon after :] i need to start actually posting that i'm open for work in several fields because i have bills to pay lol

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 27, 2021
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personal artist journal animator