It looks like your Gallery links from all your Exhibit pages are not working.
@eastathenaeum - Thank you for your comment. I went into the Gallery and checked all of the links and they appeared to be working. There was one picture that had a broken link (which I will fix later). Is it possible that your browser is still displaying the earlier version of the Gallery? The exhibits were all in a different place before the re-organization. Again, thank you for your comment.
It's definitely possible it's on my end. I'm still using an outdated laptop to do my editing here. Fortunately it hasn't blown up on me yet.
Wasn't it you who originally introduced me to Omnoglot? I have deleted some posts because of missing pages and couldn't find the comment.
@eastathenaeum - I can't be certain. When would I have introduced you to Omniglot?
Over a year ago, probably. It's bothering me that it's sitting there uncredited now.
@eastathenaeum - Oh, heck... I'll take the credit. What could possibly go wrong? :)
The credit is yours. I'm about 90% sure. Unless you tell me you've never heard of it before.