Unicursal Maze Research

1,453 updates
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2024-08-19. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2024-08-18. (continued from last post) Anything worth doing is worth doing badly. Even though minor details still need to hammered out, it is done. Done is better than 'not done.' Post what is broken here; I will get to it later. For now, I'm taking a break. Enjoy the re-organized site.
2024-08-18. I decided to fast-track the re-organization detailed in the latest blog post. Please peruse the re-organization and see if anything is "broken." The UMPD has been updated (although one tiny portion, the 'title,' does not 'work' but that is not important). Please let me know if the 'font' does not work (as in, are there gaps in the mazes inside of the catalog). More...
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2024-08-18. Updated latest completed path on index page. Added a new blog post.
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2024-08-17. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2024-08-16. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2024-08-15. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2024-08-14. No new latest completed path today.
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Last updated 8 hours ago
CreatedAug 23, 2020
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