
326 updates
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Absolutely wonderful website!!! Your love of Ace Attorney is wonderful, and your 1/10 rating for Turnabout Big Top soothes my soul
wright-n-co 1 day ago

aaa thank you <3 totally gonna work on this site more soon and actually do a full review of that god forsaken case. all my homies hate turnabout bigtop.

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I had a lot of fun clicking around your website!! I was DELIGHTED to scroll down your art page and see your wonderful Dragon Quest slime art. It is now my phone background and makes me very happy every time I see it. Thank you <3
rubymayvalentine 6 days ago

Oh that’s awesome I’m glad you like that drawing so much!! It’s one of my favorite drawings I’ve done! Dragon Quest is in my top three favorite series so it’s always cool when people appreciate my fanart of it :-)

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Woooooooah, I like your website a lot! I enjoyed reading through your blog and your seeing your comic. I like your art style a lot, and it makes me wish I had more steam to put towards comics of my own right now! I'll look forward to seeing more updates from you :^)
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flooproots 1 week ago

thank you :D your art style is really excellent - it’s similar to the vibes i want to give off in my short comics. i barely have any steam for my comics, but i’m trying to make it work anyways!

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Your slimes make me happy!!!
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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedDec 6, 2018
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webcomics videogames illustration dragonquest blog