Virtual Vampire

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hey you said to put a message on your profile regarding helping me figure out the css :0 thank you again for looking into it and im sorry if this isnt what you intended!
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koinuko 2 years ago

Yes this is perfect thank you!! This way I'll see it and remember to do it when I get home ^^

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koinuko 2 years ago

Hi, everything should be working now! I just had to edit a few lines of code in the webring to account for elements you have on your site that I didn't include. CTRL + F5 on your homepage and it should look the way it's supposed to now!

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You have been added to the Self-Insert Webring! You should be all set up and ready to go. Your assigned number is 45! Copy the code from this page and make sure to change the 0 to a 45 so that it will work properly! If the code doesn't load on your page at first, try pressing CTRL + F5 to refresh and it should work! Have a good day/night! :D

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedMar 9, 2022
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