this is a very luddite response, but I went to a used bookstore and found a book on it. mine's called "javascript & jquery: interactive front-end web development". Here's the PDF:
solaria on neocities has some basic JS info, but if you want more indepth stuff is good. kind of the basic answer, but it works. w3schools also has a good few tutorials on achieving certain effects-- thats how i have a dropdown nav on mobile!
"Constant consumption has me developing a wordless terror" "I take headphones everywhere" -- so relate. funnily enough the wordless terror just overcame me this week. i guess we're all going through the same hell
@sorbier, oh totally. it's weird though, i feel like all the people around me are cool with the hell though.
thank u friend this means so much <3 ur site is cool as fuck and your music taste rocks