Blue Sphere Generator: Home

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General Update: I have regained access to the bsgen-new, bsgen-old, and bsgen-07scripts sites! The password is not actually randomly generated and was actually stored in a file called login.txt in a 2016-era copy of the bsgen-archive site, located in a subdirectory called neocities_collection. Only thing is the bsgen-archive has the password changed.
bsgen-archive 1 year ago

I saw the .txt file and went, "What's this login.txt file?" and sure enough, the login works on bsgen-new. Yeah, the handling of this is pretty stupid, lol. I can now fix the sites in case something becomes corrupt, though this is rare..

Quick Site Update: the DDNS entry is broken and is no longer available, so the entry is updated on this site to be This will be the second DDNS change in the original website's life.
Site Update: [New Entry] A new Blue Sphere Generator exists as a Github repo; the history for it is short and uneventful. Nevertheless, it is added to the history page.
Quick Site Update: Finally fixed erroneous !DOCTYPE HTML entries. They are left over from an old practice now deprecated.
Site Update: [Frontend Cleanup] About page was revamped, Home page links to the current bsgen-archive links to the generators as well as the pre-directory links.
Site update: [Entire backend] Now that I found out that directory support exists (not sure when), the CSS and images were moved from the top directory to their respective locations. This also enabled me to add the BSgen releases to this archive site (as intended from the very beginning). As mentioned on the site, since I forgot the password to the old pre-directory sites, they will remain.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJun 24, 2014
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bsgen knuckles sonic archive bluesphere