
532 updates
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me who brought laptop traveling: I could blog from my phone
Oh no I tried my weird CSS idea and it's fun and works, but I just realized that Notepad++ can simply edit many files at once w the "Find in file..." search and replace funtion. Is it more reasonable to make updates via one CSS hack linking to ambiguously named HTML pages, or make updates to specifically named HTML pages but have to reupload every page on the site, potentially hundreds, every time I change my navbar?
chaff 3 weeks ago

Compromising with my hack by putting in five somewhat likely page names as standy navbar items plus a sixth of just "etc"

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Had a neat idea for managing my navbar without the use of PHP. I think I'm going to add some buttons, hidden with display:none for now, for pages that I intend to have in the future AND for some unknown future pages. The latter will be links with text set using the 'content' CSS property and destination of some generic URL like idk 'rootabaga.html'
chaff 4 weeks ago

...that way, if I have some new fixation that I need to make a page for, instead of editing my navbar on dozens of pages and blog posts, I can just set the id-specified CSS contents of the navbar item to, say, "PUPPETS" and un-hide the button, then start writing about it at rootabaga.html! Holy crap it's late, I'm going to bed.

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chaff 4 weeks ago

Added a bunch more links to my pile of links and organized them into expandable/collapsible sections. We've got some puppet stuff, some guqin, some more chess mysticism, okonomiyaki night, and more.

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedSep 26, 2024
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design games writing art philosophy