
3,525 updates
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your art is simply amazing
an impromptu announcement, someone on twitter is impersonating me to promote scam tokens while directly linking my instagram and neocities. I reported them this morning, this is NOT a true meowcorp associate, please report if you can
buryevil 4 months ago


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buryevil 4 months ago

also Iโ€™m working on stuff for meowcorp atm but life is chewing my time up, sorry for the absence

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scarbyte 4 months ago

this is happening to other neocities users as well

youtuube 4 months ago

Didn't this just happen to omnipresence too?

omnipresence 4 months ago

Hey, this is happening to me as well, several accounts too. Do you mind sending me info about these accounts? I'd like to figure out who-all this is affecting, maybe trace it to someone/thing. Also, I'd also check for your name/works, seems like a lot of weird bots/accounts using neocities profiles for scam coins.

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buryevil 4 months ago

@omnipresence most Iโ€™ve found impersonating neocities users on x could be searched with just their site name, and had suffixes like -term or -display. Iโ€™ve added a simple alert function in my index page about the scam stuff just as a disclaimer

omnipresence 4 months ago

To make things more creepy, I searched buryevil on and there's a ton of results. Many of them are using the text from *my website* for the descriptions though...

Your site is so pleasing to interact with and your art is amazing!!
holy shit name change
brilliant website.
this is one of the coolest websites I've ever seen
I'll try and upload some select artwork from the past 5 months when I have a chance, during these past few months I've moved across the country and have been drawing for many hours each day every single day nonstop. I've been able to work with some of the best artists of my generation and my life has changed drastically since pursuing classical art education, I just want to thank you all for supporting meโ€ฆ
buryevil 1 year ago

โ€ฆduring times prior when I was at my lowest moments. Iโ€™m very busy but Iโ€™ll try to share some here during my winter break.

freckleskies 1 year ago

excited to see you back

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your art is incredible
i'm still alive. I've been sifting through hundreds of drawings from the past 4 months and will be updating tomorrow with new artwork, as well as linking the Meowcorp project. its been a transformative few months

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedMay 30, 2020
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personal music anime art retro