
1,081 updates
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5/13 done... I hope someone finds it...
I would like to add some more levels... But I don't know if anyone has reached the Temporary End yet.
Added some eggs... They are helpful I guess...
Wow, another level down... Even harder than the last one... It could have definitely been a first weekly...
chelonian 1 month ago

I didn't test the level though, so, if you get there, DM me if there are any problems.

I just finished something... special. Probably one of my hardest levels yet. (Could be a good final step for a weekly?)
chelonian 2 months ago

Just tweaking some minor stuff. Added a heading, changed a type species, and changed the wording in one page.

Also, I want to expand the riddle past 30 levels, but I don't know if there is enough traffic on the site yet to justify doing so...
If anyone has any information regarding the elusive type species for Elseya (Pelocomastes): E. (P.) Uberrima, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared it! I am hesitant to include it in my list, but, being a type species, I have to. However, I am struggling to find any comments on it in any recent media besides Thompson et al. (2015). So, really, any information would help!
chelonian 2 months ago

I was trying out some code for DNBHerL. It didn't work.

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedNov 24, 2024
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