deluxe >> noah

678 updates
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i wanna be there
I think you should “blacklist” any google translate urls because its kinda just kinda like duplicating the site or something idk (the url for google translate urls is
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abigblueworld 11 months ago

what do you mean by that???

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deluxesb 11 months ago

google translate allows you to translate websites and uses a website that somewhat acts like the original link ( becomes, etc…) and what i noticed looking at the list of people in leaky ring was a “” or something like that. I guess the leaky ring script sees it as a different website or something. Clicking on the links from the leaky ri-

deluxesb 11 months ago

-ng list doesn’t even work. I hope that made more sense because I don’t know how to explain this any better.

i hate to say this but chatgpt is geniunely so helpful when it comes to html and css code (when you provide your own html and css code)
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n-has-a-site 11 months ago

Yes it is! -N

is there any reason why you can’t visit the site on mondays? just curious
anonicus 11 months ago

I think it's because Melonking wants to make it like a physical place kinda deal on the internet. Which adds to charm

oerrorpage 11 months ago

i used to do that

melonking 11 months ago

Its there as a reminder that nothing lasts forever, like us, the web might not always be here; but tomorrow comes, and even when things seem lost you can find them again if you hold on!

I’m gonna take a break from my website. How long? I’m not sure. It’s gonna be pretty much an indefinite break. Maybe a month, Maybe a year. Only time will tell. The website will come back sometime.
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had to go on your site the second i saw wheatley
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedSep 12, 2021
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